
Showing posts from March, 2020

Blog Tour : Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones

So, most of us are excited about the latest upcoming novel of Tayari Jones' The Silver Sparrow. I have exclusively provided you guys an extract from the book that releases on 19th March 2020. Hope you guys enjoy the read. When did I first discover that although I was an only child, my father was not my father and mine alone? I really can’t say. It’s something that I’ve known for as long as I’ve known that I had a father. I can only say for sure when I learned that this type of double-duty daddy wasn’t ordinary.  I was about five years old, in kindergarten, when  the art teacher, Miss Russell, asked us to draw  pictures of our families. While all the other children scribbled with their crayons or soft-leaded pencils, I used a blue-ink pen and drew James, Chaurisse, and Laverne. In the background was Raleigh, my father’s  best friend, the only person we knew from his other life. I drew him with the crayon labeled “Flesh” because he is really light-skinned