
Showing posts from June, 2013

Travel : Trip of a Lifetime - II

The cruise.... Too excited to go on a cruise, we three musketeers reached the spot 4 hours before the departure time. Unfortunately, even the cruise was late that  night. Whatever might be the case, it was worth the wait. It was the first time in our life, we had dined, partied and slept (of course individually) on a ship. 24 hours later, we were heading towards the train station to our very next destination, “The Eternal City”, Rome. Roaming in Rome... Adventures started as soon as we reach Rome. We forgot to validate our ticket and were dead scared that we might get caught by the officials. Getting down at the railway station, we helped an old lady who was struggling to come out of the train. It took us 2 hours to reach our hotel even though we were roaming on the same street and finally arriving at a disastrous room. I regret not checking the reviews for this one. Of all the places, Rome turned out to be the cheapest and our little stint at Rome and Vatican took us t

Travel : The Trip of a Lifetime - Part I

Every Indian has a dream, to visit the Western countries at least once in his lifetime. Some dreams about it and some live it. I, for one, had the opportunity to live through it and here I describe my experience. The Start... My journey is incomplete without me mentioning the two places that was the beginning of all. The very first city is a place also known as “Tiger Capital of India”. For those who are still scratching their heads, they just need to think of the City lying in the dead centre of India. Still, scratching your heads?? Okay, does the fruit ‘Orange’ clicks in your head. Yes, it is none other than the Orange Cit y ‘Nagpur’. This is the city which helped me accomplish one of my dreams. The Foreign Exchange Program was such a grab that I just could not resist. All set and done, I was ready to leave Nagpur on the 2 nd morning of the year 2013 and thus my journey begins. Dilli or Delhi... So, where was I headed towards? My next destination was still in

Thoughts: What's in a Name?

What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet ; One of the most famous lines from 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare has always been quoted on and off everywhere. These lines show us a very important fact that what matters most is not the outer beauty of a human being but the inner character. So, why does your name and where you come from matters a lot? A very famous Bollywood movie starts with the line, "My Name is Khan and I’m not a terrorist” shows a very important fact that your name does matter in deciding what people think of you. I was, as a matter of fact was also a minor victim in this case. While at the Delhi Airport when I was leaving for Warsaw, Poland, the guy at the immigration counter checked and rechecked my passport. He even commented about my appearance stating that the photo doesn’t match my face and was checking my face left, right and centre. It did make me a bit uncomfortable as others b